Literacy Link Niagara supports local adult education (literacy and basic skills) programming. Our programs offer many ways to learn, upgrade skills and achieve greater wellbeing. Most, if not all, programs are free and accessible to any adult in Niagara with a goal to further their education, improve their employment, or gain independence.

Did you know?

  • on average, adults with literacy challenges earn only 2/3 of the income as other adults
  • almost 50% of Canadian adults can’t work well with words and numbers
  • 48% of all Canadian adults fall into the lowest two reading levels
  • children of parents who have not graduated from high school are twice as likely to live in poverty as those whose parents graduated
  • the unemployment rate for people at the lowest literacy level is 26%, compared with 4% for those at the highest literacy levels

Learning is universal

We believe that all people should be able to access support to upgrade their skills and grow their knowledge. We are committed to creating tools and resources that include people who have been left out or marginalized by the system. We do whatever we can to ensure our approach is collaborative and that all voices have room at our table.


Connect, communicate and collaborate within the community to create literacy opportunities for adults.


A Niagara where all adults have the essential literacy and basic skills they need to prosper in the community.


  • Put learners first
  • Provide high quality, effective services
  • Treat all people with dignity, respect and care
  • Act with integrity, honesty and compassion
  • Foster co-operation
  • Support lifelong learning
  • Be accountable and transparent
  • Be creative
  • Be accessible