Support for Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) programs

On an annual basis, Ontario’s Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development funds us as a support organization to our regional Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) programs in Niagara. In this capacity, we:

  • Facilitate literacy services planning and provide service coordination
  • Network with community agencies, including those within Employment Ontario (EO), to support client referrals and pathways across programs and services; represent LBS at local planning tables and represent Niagara at provincial Learning Networks of Ontario– Community of Practice
  • Provide resource development (including instructional content, mode of instruction, and assessment)
  • Enhance service provider organizational capacity
  • Support the collection and distribution of research findings and contribute regional, sector or stream perspective to LBS-related research projects

Circles of Support

This pilot project is promoting an integrated, holistic model of support and service delivery within our network. Learners will benefit from a team of supporters who encourage them to successfully complete their programs and achieve their goals.

Through this pilot project, which facilitates the Wraparound approach, we anticipate that learners will be better supported through intentional help from friends, family, and/or staff in services related to education, employment, social assistance, and beyond. WrapAround is an effective planning process that is learner-centered, team-based and adapted to individuals’ needs, values and goal-paths.

Literacy Link Niagara gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Niagara Community Foundation (NCF)- David S. Howes Fund; a public foundation serving the people of Niagara since 2000. NCF connects donors to causes and communities to resources through permanent endowment funds, providing grants to eligible charitable organizations in culture, health, education, environment, recreation and social service sectors. NCF turns intent into impact.